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Which model is right for an acoustic band looking to single-mic?
Are you a 3+ person band wanting to single mic your vocals and acoustic instruments?
Check out MYRTLE, DELPHINA, Louise, OR Josephine.
These models are best suited to single-miking an acoustic or bluegrass band. They all have much better feedback control than the studio large diaphragms commonly used for this purpose – we think you’ll find them much easier to use.
Myrtle, Louise, Josephine, and Delphina have more low-end extension than our signature Edwina model, which helps with keeping the sound full when you’re a little farther from the mic as you need to be with more players. In terms of the differences between these models, Myrtle and Delphina (acoustically identical to one another) have much of the tone of Edwina, since it’s the same head basket. The other ring models (Louise, Josephine, the bicycle gear models) have a slightly different sound, but are acoustically identical to one another – a little bit more high end detail, a little fuller low end.
As for how to make the most of them, you should be able to get at least a bit of monitor, better than any other available large diaphragm mic, but how much really depends on the acoustics of the room/stage. Watch out for things like big windows right behind you (common in bars and coffee houses). The more you can do to damp the reflections behind and above you the better you’ll be. There are practical limits to getting sufficient gain to pick up an instrument at 4 feet from the mic if there’s a reflective wall at 6 feet. In tough acoustic spaces like that it really pays to work on playing as close to each other and the mic as you can. Plus, it’s fun to play that way! For more info about single miking, take a look at our FAQ “What’s the deal with single micing?”
Take a listen: Fantastic Wood & Wire album recorded entirely with one Myrtle
For a duo wanting to share a mic, I’d suggest a Myrtle, Delphina, or an Edwina depending on how close you want to work the mic. They have similar sound, and great feedback rejection for live use; Myrtle and Delphina have less low end roll off than Edwina, which I think may help with a full sound from guitar if you’re not working terribly close to the mic. There are duets (like the Milk Carton Kids) that use the Edwina and sound great, but you want to be practiced at working together so you can keep your instrument within about 18 inches.
Still have questions?
Feel free to email us questions about your specific application and we can make a tailored recommendation for which mic will work best for you.
Which model is right for me as a guitarist?
Guitarists and other acoustic instrumentalists should check out Edna or Edwina.
Edna and Edwina are both excellent guitar mics. Edna is a lovely acoustic instrument mic; as a small diaphragm mic she’s a bit drier than Edwina. Some guitarists favor one, some the other. An advantage of having two Edwinas is the flexibility that gives you – if you ever play with anyone else you’ll have a great duet setup, and they’ll make a fine stereo pair for recording.
If you need a fill mic on guitar to use with a single mic set-up, I would suggest Edwina for that role. She sounds wonderful on those instruments and is still a nice sensitive mic that will give a very natural sound if you just position her so your instruments are within a foot or 18 inches.
Feel free to email us questions about your specific application and we can make a tailored recommendation for which mic will work best for you.
Which model is right for me as a vocalist?
Check out Edwina, Chantelle, or Myrtle.
For vocals many people choose an Edwina. If you watch the video below you’ll see how versatile she is and hear how warmly and naturally she reproduces a wide variety of vocals. Though tuned for closer use than our suspended ring models, Edwina can still be worked from much farther away than most live vocals mics, remaining full-sounding from very close up out to around 18 inches away.
Edwina and Chantelle do not sound radically different; Chantelle has a little more upper mid lift and possibly an even smoother high end. Chantelle has more internal padding, which mainly means she hits the pre a little differently. They are different flavors, but subtly so. Myrtle is basically an Edwina in a spring suspension mount with less low-end roll off(which makes it better for working from a distance). Sonically they are very similar except for the ability to work the Myrtle from farther away.
Still have questions?
Feel free to email us questions about your specific application and we can make a tailored recommendation for which mic will work best for you.